I did this quick project based on a sketch by Johannes Helgeson, to test out some of Pablo Munoz Gomez's cool brushes, and the ZBrush 2019's new NPR feature.

The ZBrush 2019 version is awesome with a lot of cool features like NPR (Non-Photorealistic Rendering), Real Cameras, Subtool Folder Organization, and many more. Make sure you check it out.
Also I got a bit far from my ordinary works, and did this one in a more stylized fashion. Hope you guys like it.
I didn’t use any Photoshop work on these two, except for my signature. These are mere ZBrush shots.
The images below, show the model I used in combination with ZBrush’s NPR to get the results above.
For higher quality images, please visit my Artstation below.